A trip to Tijuana Mexico to the government inspector of purebred dogs. Chilis litter of pups got papers and microchips. These are the photos we took out the car window en route.
Looking East over the hills and mesas. This year the wild flowers are in full bloom. The colors are breathtakingly beautiful. Heading south into El Sauzal. The point is La Buffadora. The Highway follows right along the ocean so the view is always spectacular.
Trees shaped by the ocean winds on one side, and semi trucks on the other.
Heading south and looking back north from the Scenic Highway
The View From Saulsipuedes, which means, get out if you can. The water is frequently so calm here a sailing boat cannot get back out. There is a natural creek here and an olive tree orchard. Also a good surf spot.
These circles are fish pens used in Ocean Farming. The fish are put in these after caught to fatten them up. They must be fed daily.
Approaching the beach at La Mision. This is the place for people to come from the city to spend a hot day. The La Mision River empties here into the ocean and makes a perfect playground. The point is called Punta Piedra. Mile after mile the hills are covered with a purple haze of flowers, making them look unreal. Columbine The mesas along Highway One. The vegatation on them is unique. Cactus and Talanzias, wild flowers and scrub brush and creosote plants, among so much more.
Yellow wildflowers near the entrance to Rancho Jatay. This is the new highway from the coast to the back side of Tijuana. Mustard plant covers much of the first ten miles or so.
Some more of the beautiful greens, yellow and purples along the Highway as I take photos out the car window.
Mile after mile of purple hills, reaching clear to the top of the mesas.
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