Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Here & There

The fog moving in over the harbor at El Sauzal
Cattail Cactus. It grows on the sides of the hill as you come into Ensenada.

Two Lions to greet one as they come thru the gates
Gobierno de Estado de Baja California, Poder Ejectivo Ensenada. The new Government Building located on the south end of Ensenad on the Transpeninsular Highway.
Another of the many beautiful new homes in Ensenada
Saturday, May 17, 2008
This and That
Boats at the new Marina in Ensenada
One of many new homes for sale in Little America, on the south end of Ensenada.
Sometimes one can see a dozen cranes here, at the south end of the Ensenada harbor.
Amaranth, it grows wild in many yards here. There are about 60 species. One of them was used as a grain food by the Aztecs.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Jesus Malverde
A roadside Shrine for Jesus Malverde on the old road from La Mision to Ensenada. A broom rests out front for worshippers to keep it clean.
Malverde lives in legend in Mexico. He was darkly handsome, his admirers say, a true macho Mexican man with thick black eyebrows and an even thicker mustache. In the chaotic years before the Mexican Revolution of 1910, he was said to steal from the oligarchs and distribute his loot to the poor. He was Mexico's beloved Robin Hood, until one day he was caught and hanged.
In the century since his death, Malverde has morphed into a potent symbol, especially for poor Mexicans who saw crime as the only way to overcome the corruption and repression that kept them in misery. In modern times, Mexico's drug dealers have come to love Malverde's image.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
San Miguel, El Sauzal, etc
One of Ensenadas many many beautiful homes. This one is in the less known hills of San Miguel, tucked away on one of the narrow dirt roads that give a feeling of being far away.
The beach just north of the Fonda Port. A favorite fishing spot for many
Another fine home in El Sauzal. The combinations of stucco, brick and wrought iron are seen all over.
Lastly, a box of new dishes found while shopping in Ensenada. So special looking and only $210 pesos.